After yesterday’s snow we couldn’t resist the urge to get out and enjoy it. Sarah’s sledge, a real vintage model that apparently has been handed down from mother to daughter since the dawn of time, was recovered from the garage and we set off to the lower fields. We decided to add a little bit of competetive spirit to our sledgeing and a course was devised that started from Valley view pitch to Coppice Corner (for those who haven’t camped with us basically the full length of our first fields). Obstacles included snow covered fire pits, a narrow gap in the wall, sheep and a few defrosted sheep poos, and a highly strung terrier. Sarah’s technique consisted of screaming, whooping and a wealth of sledging experience. I took on a more scientific approach trying to use small adjustments of body weight and deploying the feet as a form of rudder to steer the speeding sledge. The results, she wiped the floor with me !!